- Attingham Trust
- The Victorian Society in America Summer School
- Internationale Barocksommerkurse (Stiftung Bibliothek Werner Oechslin)
Opleidingen & restauratie cursussen
- West Dean
- Royal College of Art
- University of York
- The Institute for Conservation, Post-doc., opleiding aan het Raymond Lemaire, Centre for Conservationvan de KU Leuven
- Bijscholingscursussen als Iccrom-cursussen te Rome (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property)
- Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture (MoDA), Middlesex University
- Hornemann Institut
- Studiengang Restaurierung der FH Potsdam
- The University of Buckingham in partnership with the Wallace Collection
- Conservering en Restauratie van Cultureel Erfgoed, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Belangrijke verenigingen
- Restauratoren Nederland
- Stichting het Nederlandse Interieur
- Furniture History Society
- Wallpaper History Society
- Amis du papier peints
- Scalalogie
Koepels en belangenverenigingen
- ICOM-CC (International Councel of Museums – Committee for Conservation)
- Icomos (ICOMOS International Council on Monuments and Sites)
- Verband der Restauratoren (VDR, Duitsland)
- La Demeure Historique
- ICOM-ICDAD (International Committee for of Decorative Arts and Design)
- BRK – APROA (Belgische beroepsvereniging voor conservators-restaurateurs van kunstvoorwerpen)
- The Traditional Paint Forum
- The building Conservation Directory
- Restauro
- ICOM International Committee for historic house museums (DEMHIST)
- The Institute for Conservation of cultural heritage in the UK (ICON)
- The Getty Conservation Institute
- The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
- The Building Conservation Directory
- The Canadian Conservation Institute
- The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works
Stichting Interieurfonds
Steven A. Coene MA, voorzitter
Ing. Willem van Vliet, penningmeester
Drs. Anne Marie ten Cate, secretaris
KVK 09181386
RSIN nummer 8192.41.465